Green Planet for Kids - rated Eco for everyone
Join the Eco family as they learn everyday ways that they can become environmentally friendly in their own home, while saving money at the same time.
Illustrated with humourous and often hilarious cartoons of our dinosaur family exhibiting all-too-human behaviours, they learn how to implement green practices into their lives by making thoughtful and educated choices.
Most people realize that we cant just continue to squander the earths resources without serious consequences for our children, but just dont know where to start making changes that will matter. This fun book makes it easy by suggesting useful and common-sense tips on every aspect of how ordinary people can make positive changes that are good for their wallet AND the planet.
This app reads like a book and is divided into seven categories:
Heating & Cooling
Yard & Garden
Environmental Choices
• Swipe to turn pages or jump to a new category from the side bar menu
• Search function will point out all pages containing your query
• Find additional information through tappable Eco Click Tips
Extremely user-friendly, educational, entertaining and appropriate from kids who are of reading age to adults. There is something for everyone.
Winner of the "Families On Line Award" for providing quality family and parenting content.